
Diggers Rest Talk is a grass roots, independent news and views about things that affect the people of the Diggers Rest area. We publish material that is fresh, topical and sometimes intelligent. This is an interactive, community focused project that tells the story of our town.

We respect everyone's viewpoints and try to provide balance reporting of current affairs, progress and history. We encourage everyone to send in questions about what bothers them or what they would like investigated. We can't promise to fulfill of the requests but we will do what we can with our limited resources. Our team strongly believe that robust and transparent media is fundamental to a healthy democracy and accordingly RiotACT is fiercely independent with no affiliation to any political party, lobby group or other media organisation.

More than anything Diggers Rest Talk is what you make of it. If you don’t join in then don't complain about what is going on. Having said that anyone can submit a post, anyone can comment. Have a question to ask or a story you want to get out? – you can say it.

Diggers Rest Talk is a not for profit hobby, facilitated by Rob Mackay, established in 2013.

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